Our Next​
Dance Out:
The Motley Equinox.
Sunday 23rd March
Ivy Leaf, Dartford
​12.00 Noon

Motley Morris Morris Dancers Kent
Contact Us
For more recent photos, videos and information have a look at
Our Facebook and Twitter pages
We practice every Wednesday evening 20:30 -22:00 from October to April at;
Hawley Pavilion, Hawley Road, Dartford DA2 7RW.
We are always looking for new members
We might look scary in photos but we don't bite (Honest)..
Why not come along on a Wednesday night.
Contact Details
Peter Hargreaves (Secretary) 01634 716751
email: motleymorris@hotmail.co.uk
Motley Morris are members of Open Morris

Motley Morris Morris Dancers Kent
Contact Us
For more recent photos, videos and information have a look at
Our Facebook and Twitter pages
We practice every Wednesday evening 20:30 -22:00 from October to April at;
Hawley Pavilion, Hawley Road, Dartford DA2 7RW.
We are always looking for new members
We might look scary in photos but we don't bite (Honest)..
Why not come along on a Wednesday night.
Contact Details
Peter Hargreaves (Secretary) 01634 716751
email: motleymorris@hotmail.co.uk
Motley Morris are members of Open Morris

Nearly Mayday
We are Dancing at the Rochester Sweeps Festival from Saturday 30th April to Monday 2nd May
We will wake Jack at 5.32am on 1st May on Bluebell Hill as usual.

Motley Morris Morris Dancers Kent
Contact Us
For more recent photos, videos and information have a look at
Our Facebook and Twitter pages
We practice every Wednesday evening 20:30 -22:00 from October to April at;
Hawley Pavilion, Hawley Road, Dartford DA2 7RW.
We are always looking for new members
We might look scary in photos but we don't bite (Honest)..
Why not come along on a Wednesday night.
Contact Details
Peter Hargreaves (Secretary) 01634 716751
email: motleymorris@hotmail.co.uk
Motley Morris are members of Open Morris